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Orthopaedics Orthopaedics

OATS Procedure Humeral Head

Our surgeon will be performing an OATS procedure with allograft on the humeral head. Will you advise on what CPT code we should report?


Our surgeon will be performing an OATS procedure with allograft on the humeral head. Will you advise on what CPT code we should report?


Thanks for your inquiry. There is no CPT code for this procedure. You will use an unlisted code based on the approach.

Report CPT code 24999,Unlisted procedure, humerus or elbowif the procedure is performed as an open procedure.

Report CPT code 29999,Unlisted procedure, arthroscopyif the procedure is performed arthroscopically.

CPT has category I codes for OAT with allograft in the knee (27415, 29867), and these could be considered for comparison.

KZA - Orthopaedics - Coding Coach
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Orthopaedics Orthopaedics

Postoperative Spinal Wound Infection

Our surgeon performed a thoracolumbar spinal procedure two weeks ago. The patient developed a wound infection requiring surgical intervention. The surgeon’s note indicates that subfascial irrigation and debridement was performed from T10 through L5. In reviewing the CPT manual, I see codes for the cervical/thoracic and the lumbar/sacral regions. Should both codes 22010 and 22015 be reported for this return to the operating room during the global period since the surgeon did work in both the thoracic and lumbar regions?


Our surgeon performed a thoracolumbar spinal procedure two weeks ago. The patient developed a wound infection requiring surgical intervention. The surgeon’s note indicates that subfascial irrigation and debridement was performed from T10 through L5. In reviewing the CPT manual, I see codes for the cervical/thoracic and the lumbar/sacral regions. Should both codes 22010 and 22015 be reported for this return to the operating room during the global period since the surgeon did work in both the thoracic and lumbar regions?


CPT codes 22010 and 22015 may not be reported together during the same operative session. Incision and drainage at the thoracolumbar junction would be reported with the code describing the region where the majority of the work is performed.

In this scenario, the majority of work was performed in the lumbar spine. Thus, CPT code 22015 (Incision and drainage, open, of deep abscess [subfascial], posterior spine; lumbar, sacral, or lumbosacral) should be reported.

Append Modifier 78, indicating a return to the operating room for a related procedure to indicate this was an unplanned return during the global period of the original procedure.

KZA - Orthopaedics - Coding Coach
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Orthopaedics Orthopaedics

Injections with Ultrasound Guidance

Is it correct CPT coding to report the ultrasound guidance CPT code 76942 when the physician performs tendon injections or a carpal tunnel injection? The CPT code descriptions for 20550,…


Is it correct CPT coding to report the ultrasound guidance CPT code 76942 when the physician performs tendon injections or a carpal tunnel injection? The CPT code descriptions for 20550, 20551, and 20526 do not include the terms “with ultrasound guidance, with permanent recording and reporting” in their definitions.


There is no AMA CPT coding restriction to reporting CPT code 76942 (Ultrasonic guidance for needle placement [eg, biopsy, aspiration, injection, localization device], imaging supervision and interpretation) when ultrasound guidance is medically necessary for needle localization. These codes do not include image guidance as part of the CPT description like the joint injection CPT codes do (20604, 20606, 20611).

Medical necessity must be present and documented to support this additional work and service.

Refer to payor policies for medical necessity requirements for reporting CPT code 76942 in addition to injections that do not include this work as part of their description.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 12/30/21.

KZA - Orthopaedics - Coding Coach
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Orthopaedics Orthopaedics

Achilles Tendon Debridement/Debulking

Our surgeon took a patient to the OR for secondary repair of an Achilles tendon tear. He found that the tear was essentially gone and the tissue was very scarred. He performed a debridement…


Our surgeon took a patient to the OR for secondary repair of an Achilles tendon tear. He found that the tear was essentially gone and the tissue was very scarred. He performed a debridement and debulking of the scarred tissue. Is this reported with CPT code 11044 or 27654?


Thanks for your inquiry. Based on the information you provided, and according to a CPT Assistant article published in April 2020, the correct code is 27654 Repair, secondary, Achilles tendon, with or without graft

CPT code 11044 describes debridement to and including bone. CPT code 11044 would be incorrect for two reasons: 1) bone was not debrided and 2) the CPT Assistant directs the surgeon to use 27654.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 12/16/21.

KZA - Orthopaedics - Coding Coach
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Orthopaedics Orthopaedics


Our surgeons occasionally perform subchondroplasty procedures. We are reporting this with an unlisted code and are wondering if this is correct.


Our surgeons occasionally perform subchondroplasty procedures. We are reporting this with an unlisted code and are wondering if this is correct.


Yes, through the remainder of 2021 you will continue to report an unlisted CPT code. The AMA released a new Category III code in July 2021, but it is not effective until January 1, 2022.

0707T:     Injection(s), bone-substitute material (eg, calcium phosphate) into subchondral bone defect (ie, bone marrow lesion, bone bruise, stress injury, microtrabecular fracture), including imaging guidance and arthroscopic assistance for joint visualization

The following guidelines apply to this new Category III code.

  • Do not report 0707T in conjunction with 29805, 29860, 29870, 77002
  • For aspiration and injection of bone cysts, use 20615


*This response is based on the best information available as of 12/02/21.

KZA - Orthopaedics - Coding Coach
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Orthopaedics Orthopaedics

Balloon Spacer in the Shoulder

Our orthopaedic shoulder surgeon treated a patient with two massive rotator cuff tears that were not amenable to repair. Due to patient age, the patient would not withstand a reconstructive…


Our orthopaedic shoulder surgeon treated a patient with two massive rotator cuff tears that were not amenable to repair. Due to patient age, the patient would not withstand a reconstructive procedure. Our surgeon placed a balloon spacer arthroscopically in the subacromial space. We are wondering how to code for this procedure.


Thank you for your inquiry. There is no CPT code for this very interesting procedure for a patient who is not a surgical candidate. You will report an unlisted arthroscopic code, 29999. Work with your surgeon to find a code that most closely represents the work. Do not code 29826 separately if the acromion is shaved or reshaped to allow placement and insufflation of the implant.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 10/14/21.

KZA - Orthopaedics - Coding Coach
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