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Neurosurgery Neurosurgery

Coding for Trigeminal Neuralgia #3

How is RFA rhizotomy of the trigeminal nerve at the second and third division branches of the foramen ovale reported ? The diagnosis was Trigeminal Neuralgia.


How is RFA rhizotomy of the trigeminal nerve at the second and third division branches of the foramen ovale reported ? The diagnosis was Trigeminal Neuralgia.


This procedure is coded as 64605, Destruction by neurolytic agent, trigeminal nerve second and third division branches at foramen ovale .Code +77002 may also be reported if fluoroscopy is used, documented, and a permanent image is retained.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 11/03/22.

KZA - Neurosurgery - Coding Coach
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Neurosurgery Neurosurgery

Coding for Trigeminal Neuralgia #2

How is percutaneous ganglion balloon compression rhizotomy of the trigeminal nerve reported? The diagnosis was Trigeminal Neuralgia.


How is percutaneous ganglion balloon compression rhizotomy of the trigeminal nerve reported? The diagnosis was Trigeminal Neuralgia.


This procedure is reported with an unlisted code, 64999. There is no CPT code for this percutaneous procedure.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 10/20/22.

KZA - Neurosurgery - Coding Coach
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Neurosurgery Neurosurgery

Coding for Trigeminal Neuralgia #1

A retrosigmoid craniotomy was performed with microvascular decompression of the 5th nerve. The diagnosis was Trigeminal Neuralgia. How is this coded?


A retrosigmoid craniotomy was performed with microvascular decompression of the 5th nerve. The diagnosis was Trigeminal Neuralgia. How is this coded?


This procedure is reported with code 61458,Craniotomy, suboccipital, for exploration or decompression of cranial nerves.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 10/06/22.

KZA - Neurosurgery - Coding Coach
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Neurosurgery Neurosurgery

Coding a Decompressive Craniectomy

In a recent head trauma case, a decompressive craniectomy was performed with a partial temporal lobectomy, due to extensive damage. A hematoma was also evacuated. can we bill for the 61323 decompressive craniectomy code with lobectomy since only a partial lobectomy was done? And what about cooing for the hematoma evacuation?


In a recent head trauma case, a decompressive craniectomy was performed with a partial temporal lobectomy, due to extensive damage. A hematoma was also evacuated. can we bill for the 61323 decompressive craniectomy code with lobectomy since only a partial lobectomy was done? And what about cooing for the hematoma evacuation?


For the procedure described, code 61323, decompressive craniectomy with lobectomy, may be reported, even with a partial lobectomy.  The hematoma evacuation is included in code 61323.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 09/22/22.

KZA - Neurosurgery - Coding Coach
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Neurosurgery Neurosurgery

Secondary Payor Doesn’t Recognize Consultations

We have a patient with 2 commercial payers (BCBS and Cigna). A consultation code was submitted to BCBS, and they paid according to our contract. However, Cigna is refusing to process the claim since they no longer pay for consult codes. Am I allowed to change the CPT code and rebill Cigna? Or would I need to change the CPT, refile to the primary as a corrected claim, then send the balance on to Cigna?


We have a patient with 2 commercial payers (BCBS and Cigna). A consultation code was submitted to BCBS, and they paid according to our contract. However, Cigna is refusing to process the claim since they no longer pay for consult codes. Am I allowed to change the CPT code and rebill Cigna? Or would I need to change the CPT, refile to the primary as a corrected claim, then send the balance on to Cigna?


We suggest calling CIGNA and ask how they want this handled according to their policies. WithMedicareyou have two options: (1) bill the appropriate category and level of service documented (e.g., for outpatient consults [99202-99215] or inpatient consults [99221-99223]) or (2) bill the consultation code, which will result in a denial of payment from Medicare and appeal on paper explaining the situation.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 09/8/22.

KZA - Neurosurgery - Coding Coach
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Neurosurgery Neurosurgery

Billing for Costotransversectomy

If the exposure is thoracic, for example in a thoracic corpectomy, and the documentation states a costotransversectomy was performed, can that be billed separately?


If the exposure is thoracic, for example in a thoracic corpectomy, and the documentation states a costotransversectomy was performed, can that be billed separately?


Costotransversectomy (e.g., 21610) is included in a thoracic corpectomy and not separately billed. Note also that 21610 states “separate procedure” so it is never billed with a more inclusive code.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 08/25/22.

KZA - Neurosurgery - Coding Coach
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